End of life care – Euthanasia.

If you are reading this, you are thinking about the time you need to say goodbye to your beloved pet. We know that the loss of your pet is a heart-breaking time for you and anyone involved with your pet. Arranging an appointment either at the practice or a home visit euthanasia can be extremely difficult emotionally, and for some leads to feelings of guilt. These feelings are quite normal and are a reflection of the very deep bond and love that you feel for your pet.

Take a second to read and better understand how we can help with euthanasia and find some helpful advice.

When you are not sure if it is the right time.

Making a euthanasia appointment can be made more difficult if you are not sure that this is the right time to say goodbye to your pet.

Perhaps your pet has been ill, and you think the end is near, but still hope that something might be able to be done for them. If you are unsure about euthanasia, but wish to discuss it with your vet to help you make a decision, it is a good idea to tell the person you speak to on the phone when you’re making the appointment to come in.

This will enable the practice to offer you an appropriate time for your appointment as well as give you enough space and time to talk through everything.

You will not be forced into making a decision earlier than you feel comfortable with, but telling the practice about your uncertainty will help highlight to the vet that you would like to discuss all options.

When you are sure it is the right time.

If you know it is the right time to say goodbye to your pet, there are some things it can be helpful for you to consider before you make the call:


  • Will you be taking your pet to the veterinary practice or would you like a home visit?
  • Who would you like to accompany you at the visit
  • What would you like to happen to your pets body after euthanasia?


We work with a cremation company who offer either communal or individual cremation. Alternatively, you can arrange something yourself, perhaps you were considering a home burial instead?

The appointment time.

If you will be taking your pet to the veterinary practice for euthanasia, consider the time of the appointment.


If you can, try to arrange the appointment for a time when the clinic is less busy; if you’re not sure of when this might be, don’t be afraid to ask. Most veterinary practices will already be mindful that pet owners will want to come at a quiet time, and when there are fewer people about.


Some will offer to schedule your appointment either early on in a consultation session, so that there is no waiting time and you can go straight in; or you may prefer to come in for the last appointment of a particular session, so there are no other pet owners around when you come out, and you don’t feel rushed.


Consider what’s best for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for the time that you want.

Arranging a home visit for euthanasia.

Our experience says that home visits are most appropriate for euthanasia. You can take your time, free your feelings the way you want, without knowing there is a queue behind to rush you.

Your pets body

Quite often you will be asked on the phone when you are making the home visit euthanasia appointment whether you know what you wish to do with your pet’s body once they are at rest.

It’s important to not feel under pressure to make a hasty decision on this if you haven’t given it consideration at this point. Most practices will be happy to give you advice on the phone, or notify the vet that you wish to discuss the various options open to you. If your vet practice offers a pre-euthanasia appointment this can be a good time to chat through aftercare.

Considerations around children

It can be difficult to know whether your child should be present during the home visit euthanasia appointment or not. The decision will vary depending on the age and maturity of the child, as well as their relationship with the pet. Ultimately, as a parent, it is your decision. If you will be taking any children to the appointment with you, it is helpful to let the veterinary team know in advance.